Non Monetary Conversions - Conversion Rate

Guide for:

This report provides a graphical overview of the Conversion Rate trend during in the selected time period.
The Conversion Rate is the percentage of non-monetary conversions with respect to the total number of visits in the selected time period. In the first summary table, you can find the following data:


On the horizontal axis, the chart shows the days or the months of the represented period and, on the vertical axis, the conversion rate.

It is possible to choose a different graph chart by clicking on the icon corresponding to the graph type (FL means "Flash Chart").
For intervals no longer than 6 months the chart shows a dotted line representing the 7-day mobile average.
For the other intervals, the chart shows only the 7-day mobile average.

Each line of the table shows the following information: Selecting a period longer than 122 days, data are represented on a monthly basis and not per day.
Click on the name of a month to view the daily data.

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